Source code for ironman.hardware

from zope.interface import implementer
from .interfaces import IHardwareManager, IHardwareMap, IHardwareNode
import yaml

[docs]@implementer(IHardwareManager) class HardwareManager(dict): raw_maps = {}
[docs] def check_data(self, address, data): node = self.get_node(address) return node.isValueValid(data)
[docs] def check_address(self, address): return not isinstance(self.get_node(address), NullHardwareNode)
[docs] def find_address(self, address): return self.get(address, NullHardwareNode())
[docs] def get_route(self, address): return self.get_node(address).hw_map.route
[docs] def get_node(self, address): return self.get(address, NullHardwareNode())
[docs] def get_checksum(self, map_name): pass
[docs] def add(self, new_hw_map): """ Add the HW map only if it doesn't exist for a given key, and no address collisions """ new_route = new_hw_map.route if new_route in self.raw_maps: raise KeyError("HW Map already exists: {:s}".format(new_hw_map.route)) common_addresses = set(self).intersection(new_hw_map) if common_addresses: raise ValueError( "An address in {:s} already exists in the manager".format(new_route) ) # all ok, add it all self.raw_maps[new_route] = new_hw_map self.update(new_hw_map)
[docs] def subtract(self, route): """ Remove the route entirely. """ for address in self.raw_maps.pop(route, NullHardwareMap()).iterkeys(): self.pop(address, NullHardwareNode())
[docs]class BlockMemHardwareManager(HardwareManager):
[docs] def get_node(self, address): blk = ( self.get(address) if address in self else self.get(min(self.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(k - address))) ) if blk is not None and address <= blk.node.get('address') + blk.node.get( 'size', 0 ): return blk else: return NullHardwareNode()
[docs]@implementer(IHardwareMap) class NullHardwareMap(dict): route = None
[docs] def parse(self, yml): pass
[docs] def isOk(self): return False
[docs]@implementer(IHardwareMap) class HardwareMap(dict): def __init__(self, yml, route): self.route = route self.parse(yml)
[docs] def parse(self, yml): doc = yaml.safe_load(yml) for node in doc.get('nodes', []): baseAddress = node.get('address') # this will check if there are any children later child = None for child in node.get('nodes', []): childAddress = child.get('address') absAddress = baseAddress + childAddress if absAddress in self: raise KeyError('{:s}/{:s}'.format(node['id'], child['id'])) self[absAddress] = HardwareNode(child, self) # no children if child is None: self[baseAddress] = HardwareNode(node, self)
[docs] def isOk(self): for k, v in self.iteritems(): if not v.isOk(): return False return True
[docs]@implementer(IHardwareMap) class NullHardwareNode(dict): hw_map = NullHardwareMap() readable = False writeable = False isValueValid = False isOk = False permissions = set() allowed = set() disallowed = set()
[docs]@implementer(IHardwareNode) class HardwareNode(dict): def __init__(self, node, hw_map): # self['description'] = getattr(node, 'description', '') self['permissions'] = int(node.get('permissions', 0)) self['allowed'] = node.get('allowed', []) self['disallowed'] = node.get('disallowed', ['-1']) self.hw_map = hw_map self.node = node @property def readable(self): return bool(self['permissions'] & 1) @property def writeable(self): return bool(self['permissions'] & 2)
[docs] def isValueValid(self, val): return (self['allowed'] and val in self['allowed']) or ( self['disallowed'] and val not in self['disallowed'] )
@property def isOk(self): return (bool(self['allowed']) ^ bool(self['disallowed'])) and ( self['permissions'] & 1 ) @property def permissions(self): return self['permissions'] @property def allowed(self): return self['allowed'] @property def disallowed(self): return self['disallowed']